Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Writing SOPs - Part 4

Before I get started with the next session on Writing SOPs, I want to tell you about a new cyber-friend. I want you to check out Nadia has a wealth of information on her blog discussing the Ins-and Outs of a CRA. Most interesting is the topic on transitioning from Coordinator to CRA. I get a lot of questions about that and even though I've never been a CRA, I attempt to answer it. I think a person with experience can tell you more, so check out her blog. Join as a follower, ask questions and share your experiences, too.

Now, BACK TO WRITING SOPS!!!! I think I have given you enough time to create the PROCEDURE section (or body) of the SOP and to format it to your liking. You do not have to keep the style I'm showing here. Create one of your own. Maybe you want your Responsibility section to be one paragraph and a single statement that all employees are required to follow written procedures and all managers are responsible for appropriate implementation. Develop your style and move forward.

Now, some SOPs are complicated and need a flow chart so if this is the case, create the flow chart for our SOP and label it Attachment 1. If you need a sample checklists, create one and label it Attachment 2 and so forth. When you are through, circulate the procedure to peers for comments. Give them a specific date to return the procedure to you. Review their comments for relevancy. If relevant, edit, change or add to your procedure.

Next time, we will discuss the finalization process!

Until then,

Have a QUALITY day!


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